Saturday, April 25, 2015

Final Project: Historic Boston Reference Materials

Final Project: Historic Boston Reference Materials

1. The American Revolution ran from 1775 to 1783 and eight year period of time during which the Americans demanded and achieved freedom from the British Government.  The Boston Tea Party occurred in the city of Boston on December 16th 1776.  When three ships containing tea arrived in Boston Harbor.  Led by Sam Adams and the sons of liberty.

1776 map of Boston - this is one of many historical maps of Boston - dated 1776.  One of the most astounding facts for me is that there was a significant part of Boston (today) that was underwater in 1776.  We are living on a landfill!

In 1776 Boston with a population of 15,000 was the second to largest city in what is now the United States .Largest Cities in the US in 1776    This next link provides all kinds of information about what Boston looked like in 1776 and how it grew over time. Boston History  Beginning with a comparison of today's map of Boston to one in 1776.   The look and feel of Boston in 1776 would be more like farm country to me today.  Animals were common, they were used for transportation, food, clothing etc.  The clothing very conservative and consistent with that era.  

There are a number of man made structures from 1776 - not the least of which was Fort Independence located at Castle Island occupied by the British in 1776 before they were chased out.  Many of our natural barriers assisted with this altercation: the Charles River, the Concord River, the number of mountains and hills and vegetation that provided protection to the american soldiers during this war.  

Additional information can be found at:  This is a link to antique maps and atlases which are a part of the Historic Map Works, Residential Genealogy historical map collection, the largest digital collection of rare, ancient, old, historical, cadastral and antiquarian maps of its type.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Class 10 Assignment 7: Sharing Minecraft competition with Facebook and Google groups

Class 10 Assignment&: Sharing Minecraft competition with Facebook and
Google Groups

Facebook Groups
Screenshot : sharing with Augmented Reality Planet Group

Screenshot: sharing with 3D Printing Group 
Screenshot sharing with Augmented Reality community:

Screenshot: sharing with Robotics Group

Google Communities:Sharing with 3D Printing Guide

Google Communities: sharing with Augmented Reality community

Google communities: sharing with Robotics Community

Google community: Sharing with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Community

Class 10 Facebook Events as an "opt - In" form of collaboration

Class 10 Facebook Events as an "opt - In" form of collaboration

This is really a neat tool to collaboratively work with a group to set up events and know who is interested and what is happening as the event gets closer.
The first screenshot is signing up for the group.

The second screenshot is of sharing the event with my Augmented Reality Planet Group

The third screenshot is of sharing the event with my Robotics Group

The fourth screenshot is of sharing the event with the 3D Printing Group

Class 10 : 3rd Emails to Major contacts and 1st emails to Communication contacts

Class 10 : 3rd Emails to Major contacts and 1st emails to Communication contacts
minus one as the Major contact from Archos did contact me about the VR Glasses

Screenshot of email to Magic leap

 Screenshot to

Screenshot of email to Turbomeca

Screenshot of email to Wany Robotics

Screenshot of email to Ball

Friday, April 17, 2015

Sharing Microsoft Hololens with Facebook and Google+ groups

The following screenshots are of sharing Microsoft Hololens with Facebook and Google+ groups

Screenshot 1: Sharing with facebook Gear VR Group
Screenshot 2: Sharing with Facebook: Augmented Reality Planet Project Group

Screenshot 3: Sharing with Facebook: Robotics Group

Screenshot 4: Sharing with Facebook: 3D Printing UK and Europe Group
Screenshot: sharing with Facebook: Hololens AR Group

Screenshot 5: Sharing with Google+ community: Robotics

Screenshot 6: Sharing with Google+ Community: Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Screenshot 7: sharing with Google+ Community Augmented Reality

Screenshot 8: Sharing with Google+ Community : 3D Printing guide

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Class 10: Instagram as a collaboration tool


In another class I took here at Boston College, (A marketing class with Prof. Nick Nugent) we learned that we are currently in “the decade of Instagram”. What that means is that Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform and one of the most popular in terms of marketing. If a company or team wanted to collaborate using Instagram as a platform, it would be easy for a few reasons. The first and biggest is the use of hashtags, which can easily group things into categories, and another is the ability for more than one person to run a single account. With the combination of these two, a team could consistently be posting and hash tagging on instagram which would help get their name out and possibly begin a much bigger marketing process.
Instagram is also widely used for a similar reason by individual people such as celebrities. Individuals can market their own products, or create posts to build their fan bases by using Instagram and hashtags.

Instagram is a photo sharing  social media venue.  It has a number of features: There is instant sharing to social media sites with unlimited upload capabilities.  It also allow “tag” capabilities like facebook where you can provide information on the pictures.  I tend to use instagram a lot more than snapchat as instagram allows comments to be posted back and forth which adds to the collaborative nature and benefit of the application.  

Instagram is known as an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that allows users to take photos and videos. Also, it allows users to share those photos on a variety of social networking platforms, including Facebook, Tumblr, and etc. One unique feature of Instagram is that photos are confined in a square shape, which looks similar with Polaroid images. The maximum duration for videos is 15 seconds. In December 2013, Instagram introduced a new feature called “Instagram Direct” which has a feature of sharing photos with a specific user or group of users. Similar with a privacy setting of Facebook, Instagram users can change the setting so that photos are not viewable by general public.

Users can share photos only with people who follow them. If users want to share photos or video clips with users who do not follow them, that recipient will get an alert that photos/clip has been shared.

Class 10: Snapchat as a collaboration Tool


In one of the recent snapchat updates, they added a feature that allows friends to transfer cash to one another. Snapchat partnered with a company called Square Cash. Square cash is a money transferring app that allows you to transfer money to your friends quick and easy if you don’t have cash in hand. To do this you must first make an account with Square Cash. Once you have an account all you have to do is go to the text chat page of Snapchat and type a dollar sign ($) followed by a numerical value. It will then ask for confirmation before transferring the money to it’s desired destination. For example, if I wanted to send a dollar to a friend of mine, I would go to a blank text chat page on Snapchat, find their username, and send them a message that reads “$1.00.” Once I confirm that I want to send a dollar to that particular friend, it would transfer into their account.

One of the features that was launched last fall is called “my story” which is an interface that lets users share multiple snaps with all of their friends in a feed that will not disappear for 48 hours. Now it is expanded to the “our story” feature.

Snapchat is a great way to communicate with friends, posting pictures and videos creating a great collaborative environment that does not get old as it expires quickly.  As many have said, one picture is worth a thousand words,the messages come across to give it context.  The flexibility of having this social media tool on the iphone makes the use very easy. It is a good venue but I have to say I like instagram better as it is a better ”collaborative” too.  Snapchat has a great financial tool as well called snapcash.

Also in a recent snapchat update, the ability to video chat live with another person was added to the software. Previously snapchat only supported sending photographs and videos up to 10 seconds long, but now with the video chat feature snapchat can become a quick conference collaboration tool. A video chat on snapchat can be opened in only a few seconds, and closed immediately, removing any signing into skype or other video chat software, and can even be quicker than facetime on iPhones because connection can happen much faster, and the other person does not have to have an iPhone.
One piece of information about snapchat that I did not know came from team Dartmouth’s report and told how the app itself was made by three Stanford University students. This is an example of what a simple collaboration project can become.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Class 9 : Google Docs HTML File

The steps to transferring my document from google docs to BC My files were few.  I down loaded the file to my computer from google docs.  unzipped the file and save it.  Viewed the document from  my web browser: screenshot below.

I then opened up myfiles@bc and uploaded the file.  - the link is below: 

Class 9 Assignment 1: Sharing iED Buzz with Facebook Groups

Class 9 Assignment 1 - Sharing iED Buzz with Facebook Groups

Sharing for Augmented Reality Group

Sharing with Gear VR
Sharing with Robotics

Sharing with Hololens & Immersive Worlds for Education & Training

Class 9: My own Prezi Presentation

I have attached a number of screenshots taken as I created my own Prezi presentation for this assignments.  I used my report on Robotics as the basis for the presentation.
Also: here is the working link: Robotics - JC

Friday, April 10, 2015

Class 9: My Favorite 3 Prezi presentations

Class 9:  My Favorite 3 Prezi presentations

The first Prezi presentation that I chose was "the Spiral of Creativity"

The Second presentation that I really liked is  the Interactive Media Template

The third presentation is "The businessman  Touchscreen"

Class 9: Hypertext Markup Language

Class 9: Hypertext Markup Language.

This is really interesting!  I have been operating with all types of devices for a long time and recognize a number of the acronyms: http, IP, and now HTML - but have never taken the time to understand what those acronyms stood for.  The topic  of this assignment is HTML or HyperText Markup Language which according to the tutorial is the "common" language that allows computers to communicate with each other, creating the "web".  It is the fundamental structure that allows "hyperlinks" to be created and functional.

This language has developed over time, with more and more functionality and multiple version.  The best thing about this is that all browsers recognized this language and it's functionality.  The last version of HTML was released in 2004.  The next version has been in development for a long time and has encountered a number of conflicts but there are some common features that will probably be included in HTML5 when it is released.

The second video concentrated on some of the basic syntax used to develop an HTML document. It is basic coding: They demonstrated:

  • "Opening and Closing signals" like <p> & </p> (opening and closing of a paragraph.)
  • "attributes" which when writing follow a formula of: name function value.  
  • "Tags" - the ability to "nest"  which works like a nest if statement within an excel function.

There is some assistance "coding hints" that is available to assist with this process called a code editor.

I have imbedded the two youtube video's which provided the above information should you wish to get more detail.