Monday, April 6, 2015

Class 8, Botnets & Zombie Networks

Class 8, Botnets & Zombie networks

Network implies or means connection of one to many with two way communication.  It is like being in a community with the “network” being the interconnecting streets and highways.  A botnet is a type of network that connects programs.  They communicate back and forth to servers about similar types of programs and at times they are working behind the scenes so the operator is unaware that it is happening.

Botnets are usually associated with spam or spyware and have a very negative connation most of the time.   One source referred to it as a “zombie army” an analogy for compromised computers that are high jacked and used to send out spam. 

The word botnet evidently is derived from bot (for robot) and net (for network).  When you think of cybercrime these networks are a focus.   In essence, this is one manner in which hackers assume control of person computers connected to the internet which then provides access to personal data.  This video title"What is botnet? explains these dangers. 


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